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About Us

Elaine has been involved in horse community since she was a young child but became heavily involved in the dressage community since early 2000. She has participated in hunters, jumpers, competitive trail riding as well as dressage.

Recently the importance of biomechanics has become her passion and she has been able to expand her clients to include gaited riders, barrel racers, hunter jumpers, trail riders and dressage riders. Biomechanics is for all  who want a better understanding of how and why their body works and impact their horses and how to improve both themselves and their relationship with their horse. 

Her instructors include Jodi Lee Jones, Sandy Howard, Anne Howard, Mary Wanless, Grant Schneidman, and Alfredo Hernandez as well as many others she has had the opportunity to clinic with over the years.  She had hosted and participated in clinics with Alfredo Hernandez, JJ Tate, Anne Howard, and Ben Pfabe, all at the Stabile di Cavallo farm in Falcon, Colorado and her mother's farm, Windswept Farms in Black Forest, Colorado. 

There has also been opportunities to train and learn from Ray Berta, who was mentored by Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance. This training gave more insight into how and why horses behave the way they do and how we impact them and influence them. The experience of being able to  watch Ray start a few of the young warmbloods was a profound experience which change how Elaine approached horses and training.

Elaine has sat on many dressage boards including Santa Cruz dressage and Colorado Springs dressage as a board member, as well as being involved with California Dressage Society and Rocky Mountain dressage, where she was volunteer coordinator for regional 5 championships for many years. She believes giving back to the community enjoys being a member of the community.

Her professional show record includes Dressage sport horse awards for her Andalusian stallion, Valador de Valmor and his offsprings, Vixen WSF, Vivaldi WSF, Valentino WSF , Valonia WSF, and Vincente SdC. This is in addition to her show records for horse she has owned, bred and rode in a multitude of disciplines. 

She ran a successful riding/ training business Springs Equestrians/Stabile di Cavallo in Colorado Springs. Springs Equestrians was in operation from 2009 to 2019, which was sold as she moved to Virginia to move closer to family on the East Coast. 

Stabile di Cavallo Farm is  now located in Bristol, VA and she is excited to be a part of the Virginia/Tennessee horse community.

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